Community Groups

Here you will find information on groups and clubs that are active in Stotfold. 

The community groups section displays any of the leisure groups that also fit into community work within the town.  

If you are a local group that is not listed, or if your group is listed, but you would like to update or correct the information shown, 'contact us' and your entry will be amended by the Town Council staff.

Andrews Dance Centre
01462 643384 / 07584 317662
Visit our website

Badminton Club
01767 227831

Beatz Fitness
See our poster for more information

Canine Training Academy

01462 618082

Visit our website

Co-op Member Pioneer
07775 894217
Visit our website
Friends of the Mill
01462 734541
Visit our website

Friends of Stotfold & District Children's Centre
01462 730623
Visit our website

Friends of St Mary's
01462 730103


Fusion Dance
Visit our website

Girl Guides
Visit our website

Gifford Dance Academy
07585 221513
Visit our website

Good Neighbour Group
Visit our Facebook 


Hart Beeps
Visit our website

Good Afternoon Group - Stotfold Library
0300 300 8068 for transport

Inner Athlete Small Group Training -
St Mary's Church Hall
07569 497763

Visit our website

07734 563970
Visit our Facebook
JMcQ Fitness
Jenny McQuarrie (@jmcqfitness)

Stotfold Jujitsu Club
07970 329761
Visit our website

Knit & Natter - Stotfold Library
0300 300 8068

Karate Stotfold - jsk
07742 820956 
Visit our website
Little Ruggers
Visit our website

Love to Dance
Visit our website

Men's Big Breakfast, St Mary's Church

01462 730103

Visit our website

Neighbourhood Watch

01582 881611 

Visit our website

North Herts Reel Club Scottish Country Dancing

01462 639215

North Herts Road Runners

01462 639215

Visit our website

Zanna Newton Pilates
Visit our Website

Red Hat Society

 01462 834112
Visit our website

Royal Naval Association

01767 223212

Visit our website

Royal British Legion
Stotfold & Arlesey Branch

01462 734133 

Salvation Army Home League Fellowship

01462 730739 

Salvation Army Meet a Pal
Salvation Army Family Fridays @4

 01462 639699

Salvation Army Home League

01462 835867 

Salvation Army Men's Club

01462 730348 

Salvation Army Messy Church for Families
Salvation Army Youth Club

01462 731072 

Short Mat Bowls

01462 730841 

Slimming World

01462 638430
Visit our website

Spanish Tutor - Kids and Adults

07947 897303 

St John Badgers & Cadets

01438 218058

The Art Box

01462 318398

Visit our website

Stotfold Art Group

01462 628529

Stotfold Bowls Club

01462 628204

Stotfold Chamber of Trade

01462 730342

Stotfold Christian Choir

01462 731142

Stotfold Conservative Club

01462 730534

Visit our website

Stotfold Detachment Bedfordshire Army Cadet Force

07810 206095

Stotfold Football Club

01462 731167

Visit our website

Stotfold Junior Football Club

07747 837683

Visit our website

Stotfold Gardening Club

01462 628954

Stotfold Golf Society

07909 983956

Stotfold Good Neighbour Group

07599 925587

Stotfold Guide Association

01462 834676

Stotfold Junior Judo Club

07872 594499

Stotfold News Magazine

01462 731986

Visit our website

Stotfold Runners

07900 497699
Visit our website

1st Stotfold Scouts

07764 188222
Visit our website

Stotfold Twirlers

07732 505614
Visit our Facebook

Stotfold Mill Preservation Trust

01462 734541
Visit our website

Stotfold Readers Group

0300 300 8068

Stotfold Short Mat Bowls and Social Club

01462 730841

Stotfold Social Club

01462 730293

Stotfold Walk 4 Health

01462 815672

Stotfold Womens Fellowship

01462 730805

Table Tennis 

Teasel Conservation & Footpath Group

01462 733309


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