Safer Central Community Safety Partnership
Published: 16 July 2019
The Safer Central Community Safety Partnership (CSP) Strategy 2019-2021 was agreed by Central Bedfordshire Council’s Executive Group, and therefore, can now be shared and published, the document is not security marked and can be shared publicly. The document has been uploaded to the Safer Central website so residents are able to view and download -
The agreed priorities for the CSP for 2019-2021 are:
Priority One – Ending Exploitation – this includes Modern Day Slavery, Child Sexual Exploitation, Trafficking of Human Beings, County Lines/Cuckooing, Knife Crime and Domestic Extremism/Terrorism.
Priority Two – Dealing with Domestic and Sexual AbuseThe strategy has also identified one ‘knowledge gap’ – The Impact and Prevalence of Substance Misuse (drugs and alcohol).
Sitting alongside the strategy the CSP has an extensive action plan which will aim to deliver the recommendations within the strategy, this action plan will be coordinated by the CSP Strategic Delivery Group and progress monitored by the CSP Executive Group.
The Safer Central Survey which began in May 2018 was instrumental in deciding our priorities and recommendations, for the first time we were able to use our residents’ views to shape the strategy. The survey is open ended, and we will continue to promote the survey at all opportunities. We would like to see residents completing the survey annually to allow us to analyse the data and evidence that the work of the partnership is positively impacting our residents. Our survey can be found here -
If you don’t already, you can follow us on social media:
Facebook: @safercentral
For more information please contact
Lisa Scott
Community Safety Partnership & Communities Manager
Central Bedfordshire Council, Priory House, Monks Walk, Chicksands, Shefford, Bedfordshire, SG17 5TQ
Tel: 0300 300 5733