A schedule of meeting dates from May 2024 - May 2025 is available here. If there are no items for discussion, or there is no quorum (required numbers attending) the meeting will not take place.
Meetings usually start at 7.00pm, except where one meeting follows another. Agendas for our meetings can be found on our website and Greenacre Centre noticeboard, where start time would be confirmed.
All residents are invited to attend meetings, and guidance is available for public participation. For a Wednesday Council/Committee meeting, agendas are issued on the Friday prior and will be displayed on the Greenacre Centre external notice board, and available on the links below.
Please note:-
Planning Committee meetings are held as required, usually fortnightly.
All Committee meetings may be subject to cancellation if there are no items for the Agenda or there is no quorum (sufficient legal number of Members in attendance).
Agendas and minutes can be accessed by clicking on the link to the relevant committees below.